Coronavirus Resources & Updates
Read about school meals at Elkhart, Concord, Goshen, Baugo, Wa-Nee, Middlebury, and Fairfield Community Schools.
Alimentos escolares en Elkhart, Concord, Goshen, Baugo, Wa-Nee, Middlebury, and Fairfield Community Schools.
Restaurants offering carryout and/or delivery in Elkhart, Goshen, Bristol, Middlebury, Shipshewana, Nappanee, and Wakarusa.
The Elkhart County Food Council is working to gather the most recent information about how food pantries are responding to the COVID-19 crisis. As of 3/25/2020 this is the most updated information. Please contact the pantry if you have any questions.
El Elkhart County Food Council, o el Consejo de póliza alimenticia del condado de Elkhart, está recaudando la información más reciente sobre las acciones respondiendo a la crisis del Coronavirus. Esta información fue actualizada el 25 de marzo del 2020. Por favor comuníquese con las siguientes organizaciones si tiene preguntas o necesita de su ayuda.
Check out this continually updated, comprehensive list of COVID-19 resources for vegetable growers, provided by Purdue Extension!